The Land of Boys

Learning to live in a house full of testosterone


Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am one incredibly blessed individual. I married my highschool sweetheart in the summer of 1996.

wedding pic

In the summer of 1997 we had our first child. Since those days we have moved away from our hometown, had two more children, and a lot of adventures along the way. Today my husband is a minister and I am a homeschooling mom.

Our life has blessed with a scientist

Nathaniel learning about density

Nathaniel learning about density

a comedian

Benjamin being Benjamin

Benjamin being Benjamin

and a sweetie who marches to his own beat

Samuel singing Bommerang Express

Samuel singing Bommerang Express

One thought on “Me

  1. Hi, I am a fellow blogger on WordPress and discovered your site through Freshly Pressed…congratulations on being selected! Since I started blogging a few months ago I decided to make a habit of browsing through Freshly Pressed blogs because it seemed easier than thinking of a Tag and searching….I like the random surprise factor of Freshly Pressed – and I am rarely disappointed by the posts.
    Through this I became ultra curious about the impact it had on the owners of the blogs. I decided to publish an ongoing post highlighting the reactions of Freshly Pressed Bloggers and their new found fame. There are so many questions that could be asked, but I would rather you just say what you want to say about being Freshly Pressed. One question I will pose is: Did you ever want to be Freshly Pressed to receive the attention it delivers?
    I hope to hear about your experience!

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