The Land of Boys

Learning to live in a house full of testosterone

Archive for the tag “thanksgiving”


I will praise the name of God with a song;
I will magnify him with thanksgiving.

Psalm 69:30

Thanksgiving seems to be a forgotten holiday in our country. If you go in a store the day after Halloween, you see Christmas decor shining everywhere.  We go straight from telling our kids to beg for candy, to telling them to beg for toys.  We have somewhere along the way slipped away from teaching our children to be thankful for the things that God has blessed them with. One tradition that we have at our house is that no Christmas decorations go up before Thanksgiving. Nothing, Nada. The boys were given a new ornament by my mother recently. We brought it home and put it in the homeschool closet. Not that we were ungrateful, we just don’t to take away from Thanksgiving by already focusing on Christmas. Every year my in-laws come to Thanksgiving dinner at our house. It gives the boys a special day with Grandmama and Granddaddy.  One other thing that we do is to make construction paper leaves that we write things that we are thankful for. During lunch we go around the table reading our leaves to each other. It is a nice way to get everyone involved with saying outloud what they feel thankful for. The boys are thankful that they are out of school for the entire week. They are thankful that they are getting a meal that is special. Speaking of meals here is our menu:




Corn on the Cob

Mashed Potatoes

Green beans

Sweet Potato/ Apple Casserole

Mac and Cheese

Yeast Rolls

Yellow Cake w/ Chocolate Frosting


Sugar Cookies

Feel free to share any ways that your family makes Thanksgiving a day to truly be thankful and not just a day of gorging on a big meal.

** since this is not a common Thanksgiving food, I’ll give an explanation. It is traditionally a Passover food. It is a combination of apples, nuts, honey, cinnamon, and grape juice. We are having it instead of cranberry sauce this year.

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